Joda - Next Generation Beans |
Joda Time
Joda Primitives
Joda Beans
Problem statementThe solutionJoda seeks to provide a single model for all these technologies to work around, effectively next generation JavaBeans. The data in the model can be viewed and manipulated using a JavaBean style interfaces. But it can also be viewed and manipulated using a DOM style API. These two programming styles are effectively just two views on the same data and are continuously in sync. And there is no XML style restriction of a hierarchical view of the model. This dual interface into the program enables many other technologies to be linked to a Joda model easily. For example:
Each of the functions above will be developed as separate modules operating on the core Joda property model. Ideally, some will become separate open-source projects, for example the Swing and Database bindings. |
Last updated 31st January 2004.
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