Joda System API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Bean Joda property based domain model   

Uses of Bean in

Subinterfaces of Bean in
static interface Bean.Internal
          Interface used during the cloning process.

Methods in that return Bean
 Bean PropertyValueChangeEvent.getBean()
          Get the bean which changed.
static Bean JodaFactory.create(java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new Bean for the specified interface.
static Bean JodaFactory.create(java.lang.Class intface, java.lang.String name)
          Create a new Bean using the default factory.
abstract  Bean JodaFactory.createBean(java.lang.Class intface, java.lang.String name)
          Create a new top level Bean.
 Bean JodaFactory.createBean(java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new top level Bean.
 Bean Property.bean()
          Get the bean which owns this property.
 Bean Bean.Internal.cloneDeep(IdentityBasedHashMap clonedObjects)
          Clone this bean avoiding recursion.

Methods in with parameters of type Bean
static void JodaUtils.resolve(Bean staleBean, Bean updatedBean)
          Resolve an updated Bean into the local, stale, Bean.
static void JodaUtils.resolve(Bean staleBean, Bean updatedBean)
          Resolve an updated Bean into the local, stale, Bean.
static TreeNode JodaUtils.createTreeNode(Bean bean)
          Create a TreeNode tree for a bean.
abstract  Property JodaFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new Property and attach it to a particular Bean.
abstract  Property JodaFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class intface, java.lang.Class[] types)
          Create a new Property and attach it to a particular Bean.
abstract  Property JodaFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class intface, java.lang.Class[] types, PropertyData data)
          Create a new Property and attach it to a particular Bean.
 void Property.Internal.cloneDeep(IdentityBasedHashMap clonedObjects, Bean bean)
          Clone this property avoiding recursion.

Uses of Bean in

Classes in that implement Bean
 class AbstractBean
          AbstractBean should be extended by classes in the application domain model.
 class AbstractProxyBean
          Standard implementation of a Bean.
 class ProxyBean
          Proxy invocation handler which implements a standard Bean subinterface dynamically.

Methods in that return Bean
 Bean ProxyPropertyFactory.createBean(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.String name)
protected  Bean ProxyPropertyFactory.createBeanFromClass(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.String name)
protected  Bean ProxyPropertyFactory.createBeanFromInterface(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.String name)
 Bean BeanInit.getBean()
          Get the bean
protected  Bean AbstractProxyBean.getThis()
          Get 'this'.
 Bean AbstractProxyBean.cloneDeep(IdentityBasedHashMap clonedObjects)
 Bean PropertyInit.getBean()
          Get the bean.
 Bean AbstractProperty.bean()
          Get the bean which owns this property.
 Bean AbstractBean.cloneDeep(IdentityBasedHashMap clonedObjects)

Methods in with parameters of type Bean
protected  Property ProxyPropertyFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, PropertyMetaData propMetaData)
          Create a property for the specified bean
 Property ProxyPropertyFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a Property on the bean
 Property ProxyPropertyFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class intface, java.lang.Class[] types)
          Create a Property on the bean
 Property ProxyPropertyFactory.createProperty(Bean bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class intface, java.lang.Class[] types, PropertyData data)
          Create a Property on the bean
static boolean BeanTools.equalsShallow(Bean bean1, Bean bean2)
          Compares two Beans, based only on their own property values.
static boolean BeanTools.equalsShallow(Bean bean1, Bean bean2)
          Compares two Beans, based only on their own property values.
static boolean BeanTools.equalsDeep(Bean bean1, Bean bean2)
          Compares two Beans, taking into account their own properties including linking properties, processing recursively.
static boolean BeanTools.equalsDeep(Bean bean1, Bean bean2)
          Compares two Beans, taking into account their own properties including linking properties, processing recursively.
 void AbstractProperty.cloneDeep(IdentityBasedHashMap clonedObjects, Bean bean)
          Clone this property avoiding recursion.
protected  Property AbstractProperty.createClonedProperty(Bean bean)
          Create a clone of this property, ignoring the data contents

Constructors in with parameters of type Bean
BeanInit(Bean bean, BeanMetaData metaData, java.lang.String name, java.util.Map properties)
PropertyInit(Bean bean, java.lang.Class[] types, java.lang.String name, PropertyData data)
PropertyInit(Bean bean, PropertyMetaData metaData, PropertyData data)

Uses of Bean in

Methods in with parameters of type Bean
protected  Property DefaultDataMapProperty.createClonedProperty(Bean bean)
          Create a clone of this property, ignoring the data contents
protected  Property DefaultDataListProperty.createClonedProperty(Bean bean)
          Create a clone of this property, ignoring the data contents

Uses of Bean in

Methods in that return Bean
 Bean AbstractPropertyData.bean()
          Get the bean

Uses of Bean in

Methods in that return Bean
 Bean DefaultLinkProperty.getBean()
          Get the bean that this link points to, that may be null
 Bean DefaultLinkProperty.getBean(boolean createIfNull)
          Get the Bean that is currently linked, optionally creating it.
protected  Bean DefaultLinkProperty.createBean(java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new child ModelProperty given an interface.
 Bean DefaultLinkProperty.setNew()
 Bean DefaultLinkProperty.setNew(java.lang.Class type)
protected  Bean DefaultLinkProperty.getInternal()
          Get the bean that this LinkProperty wraps
 Bean DefaultLinkMapProperty.getBean(java.lang.Object key)
protected  Bean DefaultLinkMapProperty.createBean(java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new child ModelProperty given an interface.
 Bean DefaultLinkMapProperty.putNew(java.lang.Object key)
 Bean DefaultLinkMapProperty.putNew(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Class type)
 Bean DefaultLinkListProperty.getBean(int index)
          Get the typecast Bean from the list by index
protected  Bean DefaultLinkListProperty.createBean(java.lang.Class type)
          Create a new bean
 Bean DefaultLinkListProperty.addNew()
 Bean DefaultLinkListProperty.addNew(java.lang.Class type)
 Bean DefaultLinkListProperty.addNew(int insertIndex)
 Bean DefaultLinkListProperty.addNew(int insertIndex, java.lang.Class type)

Methods in with parameters of type Bean
protected  void DefaultLinkProperty.setInternal(Bean bean)
          Internal method used to change the bean being linked.
protected  Property DefaultLinkProperty.createClonedProperty(Bean bean)
          Create a clone of this property, ignoring the data contents
protected  Property DefaultLinkMapProperty.createClonedProperty(Bean bean)
          Create a clone of this property, ignoring the data contents
protected  Property DefaultLinkListProperty.createClonedProperty(Bean bean)
          Create a clone of this property, ignoring the data contents

Uses of Bean in

Methods in with parameters of type Bean
 java.util.List XPath.selectNodes(Bean bean)
 java.lang.Object XPath.selectSingleNode(Bean bean)
 DocumentNavigator.NavElement DocumentNavigator.createDocument(Bean bean, java.lang.String beanName)
          Get the singleton instance of the navifator

Uses of Bean in

Methods in that return Bean
 Bean LinkProperty.getBean()
          Get the Bean that is currently linked, or null.
 Bean LinkProperty.getBean(boolean createIfNull)
          Get the Bean that is currently linked, optionally creating it.
 Bean LinkProperty.setNew()
          Create a new Bean of the correct type replacing the current underlying node in the node tree.
 Bean LinkProperty.setNew(java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new Bean of a specific type replacing the the current underlying node in the node tree.
 Bean LinkMapProperty.getBean(java.lang.Object key)
          Get the element at the specified key as a formal string
 Bean LinkMapProperty.putNew(java.lang.Object key)
          Get the list underlying the property.
 Bean LinkMapProperty.putNew(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Class intface)
          Get the list underlying the property.
 Bean LinkListProperty.getBean(int index)
          Get the bean (typecast) at a particular index
 Bean LinkListProperty.addNew()
          Create a new Bean of the correct type and add the underlying node to the end of the list.
 Bean LinkListProperty.addNew(java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new Bean of a specific type and add the underlying node to the end of the list.
 Bean LinkListProperty.addNew(int insertIndex)
          Create a new Bean of the correct type and insert the underlying node into the list.
 Bean LinkListProperty.addNew(int insertIndex, java.lang.Class intface)
          Create a new Bean of a specific type and insert the underlying node into the list.

Uses of Bean in

Methods in that return Bean
 Bean SAXHandler.getBean()
          Get the Bean read in, typically used once parsing is complete.
 Bean in)
          Build the model root node from the specified SAX input source.
 Bean in)
          Build the model root node from an input stream.
 Bean file)
          Build the model root node from a File.
 Bean url)
          Build the model root node from a URL.
 Bean reader)
          Build the model root node from a Reader.
 Bean systemId)
          Build the model root node from a string URI.
 Bean[] array)
          Build the model root node from a character array.

Uses of Bean in

Methods in with parameters of type Bean
 void BeanXMLConvertor.buildPropertiesXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, Bean bean)
          Build the XMLData for the properties.

Joda System API

Copyright © 2001-2003 Stephen Colebourne. All Rights Reserved.