Joda System API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractModelElement   

Uses of AbstractModelElement in

Subclasses of AbstractModelElement in
 class AbstractBean
          AbstractBean should be extended by classes in the application domain model.
 class AbstractProperty
          Standard implementation of the basic read only property.
 class AbstractProxyBean
          Standard implementation of a Bean.
 class ProxyBean
          Proxy invocation handler which implements a standard Bean subinterface dynamically.

Uses of AbstractModelElement in

Subclasses of AbstractModelElement in
 class AbstractListProperty
          Standard implementation of a list.
 class AbstractMapProperty
          Standard implementation of a map.
 class DefaultDataListProperty
          Standard implementation of a list of objects.
 class DefaultDataMapProperty
          Standard implementation of a map of objects.

Uses of AbstractModelElement in

Subclasses of AbstractModelElement in
 class DefaultLinkListProperty
          Standard link list view implementation which links one Bean to a list of other Beans.
 class DefaultLinkMapProperty
          Standard implementation of a map of beans.
 class DefaultLinkProperty
          Standard link view implementation which links one Bean to another.

Uses of AbstractModelElement in

Subclasses of AbstractModelElement in
 class AbstractBooleanicProperty
          Default implementation of a Booleanic property.
 class AbstractDateTimeProperty
          Abstract class useful for Date and Time property implementations.
 class AbstractDoubleProperty
          Abstract implementation of a Double property.
 class AbstractIntegerProperty
          Abstract implementation of an Integer property.
 class AbstractLongProperty
          Abstract implementation of a Long property.
 class AbstractNumericProperty
          Abstract class useful for Numeric property implementations.
 class DefaultBooleanPrimitiveProperty
          Default implementation of a boolean property.
 class DefaultBooleanProperty
          Default implementation of a Boolean property.
 class DefaultClassProperty
          Default implementation of a Class property.
 class DefaultDateProperty
          Standard implementation of a Date property.
 class DefaultDateTimeProperty
          Standard implementation of a DateTime read/write property.
 class DefaultDecimalProperty
          Default implementation of a Decimal property.
 class DefaultDoublePrimitiveProperty
          Default implementation of a double property.
 class DefaultDoubleProperty
          Default implementation of a Double property.
 class DefaultIntegerPrimitiveProperty
          Default implementation of a primitive int property.
 class DefaultIntegerProperty
          Default implementation of an Integer property.
 class DefaultLocaleProperty
          Default implementation of a Locale property.
 class DefaultLongPrimitiveProperty
          Default implementation of a primitive long property.
 class DefaultLongProperty
          Default implementation of a Long property.
 class DefaultObjectProperty
          Default implementation of a non-typed immutable property.
 class DefaultStringProperty
          Default implementation of a String property.
 class DefaultTimeProperty
          Standard implementation of a Time property.

Joda System API

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