Joda System API

Uses of Class

Packages that use XMLConvertorContext   

Uses of XMLConvertorContext in

Methods in with parameters of type XMLConvertorContext
 XMLData XMLConvertorManager.getXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String rootName)
          Build the XMLData for the object passed in.
 XMLData XMLConvertorManager.getXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, java.lang.Object object, XMLName rootName)
          Build the XMLData for the object passed in.
 void XMLConvertorManager.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData parent, java.lang.Object object)
          Build the XMLData for the object passed in.
 XMLData XMLConvertorManager.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Build the XMLData for the object passed in.
 void XMLConvertorManager.filterInputXMLDataOnStartTag(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData on input.
 void XMLConvertorManager.filterInputXMLDataOnEndTag(XMLConvertorContext context, ModelElement modelElement, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData on input using end tags
protected  void SAXOutputter.outputBean(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler, XMLConvertorContext context, java.lang.Object bean, XMLData data)
          Outputs the whole of a single object.
protected  void SAXOutputter.outputChildren(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler, XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Output the children of an XMLData.
 boolean ElementNameXMLFilter.filterOutputXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData representation of an object.
 void ElementNameXMLFilter.filterInputXMLDataOnStartTag(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
 void ElementNameXMLFilter.filterInputXMLDataOnEndTag(XMLConvertorContext context, ModelElement element, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData representation of an object on input when the end tag is reached.
 boolean XMLFilter.filterOutputXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData representation of an object.
 void XMLFilter.filterInputXMLDataOnStartTag(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData representation of an object on input.
 void XMLFilter.filterInputXMLDataOnEndTag(XMLConvertorContext context, ModelElement element, XMLData data)
          Filter the XMLData representation of an object on input when the end tag is reached.
 void XMLConvertor.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData parent, java.lang.Object object)
          Build the XMLData representation of the object passed in.
 void XMLConvertor.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Expand the collapsed XMLData object passed in.

Uses of XMLConvertorContext in

Methods in with parameters of type XMLConvertorContext
 void MapPropertyXMLConvertor.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object object)
          Add the Property's data to the bean's XMLData passed in
 void MapPropertyXMLConvertor.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Expand the XMLData when a MapProperty is stored as the content.
 void LinkPropertyXMLConvertor.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object object)
          Add the Property's data to the bean's XMLData passed in
 void LinkPropertyXMLConvertor.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Expand the XMLData when a LinkProperty is stored as the content.
 void DataPropertyXMLConvertor.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object object)
          Add the DataProperty's data to the bean's XMLData passed in
protected  void DataPropertyXMLConvertor.buildAsElement(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object object)
          Build the property data as an element
protected  void DataPropertyXMLConvertor.buildAsAttribute(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object object)
          Build the property data as an attribute
 void DataPropertyXMLConvertor.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Expand the XMLData when a DataProperty is stored as the content.
 void CollectionPropertyXMLConvertor.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object object)
          Add the Property's data to the bean's XMLData passed in
 void CollectionPropertyXMLConvertor.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Expand the XMLData when a CollectionProperty is stored as the content.
 void BeanXMLConvertor.expandXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data)
          Build the XMLData for a bean.
 void BeanXMLConvertor.buildPropertiesXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, Bean bean)
          Build the XMLData for the properties.
 void BeanXMLConvertor.buildXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData parent, java.lang.Object object)
          Build the XMLData representation of the bean passed in.
protected  void AbstractPropertyXMLConvertor.addTypeAttribute(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.Object content, java.lang.Class expectedType)
          Add type attribute to the child XML data object
protected  void AbstractPropertyXMLConvertor.addTypeAttributeToParentXMLData(XMLConvertorContext context, XMLData data, java.lang.String childName, java.lang.Object content, java.lang.Class expectedType)
          Add type attribute to the parent XML data object using the prefix of the child name

Joda System API

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