Joda System API

Package org.joda.typeconvertor.impl

Object and String type conversion implementations


Class Summary
AbstractTypeConvertor Convert from an arbitrary object to another.
AdaptiveTypeConvertor Type convertor which attempts to find a suitable constructor or static factory method by reflection.
BigDecimalTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a BigDecimal.
BigIntegerTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a BigInteger.
BooleanTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Boolean.
CalendarTypeConvertor Convert from an arbitrary object to a Calendar.
CharacterTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Character.
ClassTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Class.
CurrencyTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a JDK1.4 Currency object.
DateTimeTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a DateTime.
DateTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Date.
DefaultTypeConvertorManager Default implementation of a type convertor manager.
DelegatingObjectTypeConvertor Conversion to and from an Object by using the type of the object.
DoubleTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Double.
FileTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a File.
FloatTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Float.
IntegerTypeConvertor Conversion to and from an Integer.
ListTypeConvertor Convert from an arbitrary object to a List.
LocaleTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Locale.
LongTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a Long.
MapTypeConvertor Convert from an arbitrary object to a Map.
PrimitiveBooleanTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a boolean.
PrimitiveDoubleTypeConvertor Conversion to and from an double.
PrimitiveFloatTypeConvertor Conversion to and from an float.
PrimitiveIntegerTypeConvertor Conversion to and from an int.
PrimitiveLongTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a long.
StringTypeConvertor Convert from an arbitrary object to a String.
TimeZoneTypeConvertor Convert from an arbitrary object to a TimeZone.
URLTypeConvertor Conversion to and from a URL.

Package org.joda.typeconvertor.impl Description

Object and String type conversion implementations

The type convertor implementation package supplies standard type convertors. Implementations are provided for the all the classes normally treated as base types.

Joda System API

Copyright © 2001-2003 Stephen Colebourne. All Rights Reserved.