Joda System API

Package org.joda.util

Common utility classes, interfaces and exceptions


Interface Summary
Identifiable Interface for objects which can be identified through a unique identifier.
TreeIterator TreeIterator adds to an iterator by allowing access to the parent of each node during the iteration.
TreeNode TreeNode defines a node in a tree structure.
TreeNode.Internal TreeNode implementors should implement TreeNode.Internal instead of just TreeNode.

Class Summary
ArrayTreeNode ArrayTreeNode implements the TreeNode interface.
ArrayTreeNode.DepthFirstTreeIterator Implementation of TreeIterator that navigates through the nodes in a depth first order.
ArrayTreeNode.TreeArrayList List of TreeNodes that manages the parent behaviour
Identifier Class which provides unique identifiers for objects.
IdentityBasedHashMap This class implements the Map interface with a hash table, using reference-equality in place of object-equality when comparing keys (and values).
IdentityBasedHashSet Set based on Hash principles which check for equality, not equals.
IdentityBasedHashSet.Entry Hash entry.
Reflection Reflection utilities.
Serialization Serialization utilities.
Validation Validation utility.

Exception Summary
IllegalArgumentJodaException Exception thrown when an input argument is unacceptable to a method.
IllegalStateJodaException Exception thrown when an attempt was made to query or modify an object when its state did not permit it.
IndexOutOfBoundsJodaException Exception thrown when an attempt was made to access a list or array with an index that was out of range.
NullArgumentJodaException Exception thrown when an input argument is null and this is unacceptable.

Package org.joda.util Description

Common utility classes, interfaces and exceptions

The util package provides low level utility functions for the Joda framework.

Marker interfaces

Marker interfaces are provided for Immutable, Readable and Writable objects. These can be used to mark classes which can be categorised.


Exception classes are provided that store the object that caused the exception. This is similar to the event source concept in event handling. The exception classes also store other useful fields from the exception.


General purpose utilities for Serialization, Validation, Reflection, Identifiication are provided. Also provided is an IdentityHashSet for Java 1.3 compatability.

Joda System API

Copyright © 2001-2003 Stephen Colebourne. All Rights Reserved.